Saturday, February 23, 2008

Getting Organized!

Before I push this blog any further, lemme just make a checklist of my overall aim and list of projects that I am planning to take up:

M/V: To take a miniature steps that will lead to the ultimate organization in the following aspects of home management:
1. Financial budget
2. Debt plan
3. Menu planning - includes nutrition plan, marketing and grocerying
4. Chores scheduling
5. Household help training
6. Home decorating
7. House cleaning and organization
8. Cooking
9. Clothes - washing, ironing, repairs
10. Appliance and car cleaning and maintenance

Here are the things that I need to take note of:
1. Number of people living at home:
- Adults - 5
- Teenager - 1
- Kid - 1
- Toddler - 1
Total: 8
2. Number of bedrooms: 5
3. Number of bathrooms: 4 T & B, 1 bath tub
4. Number of cars: 4

I guess that's it for now. So many things to organize, so many targets to accomplish! This is getting to be exciting!

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