Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here Comes Halloween!

My husband and I were on leave on Zoe's actual birthday last Tuesday. We decided to bring her out to the mall and to then to the zoo in the afternoon. During our stay at the mall, we went around this huge toy store. I thought it would be good for her to try out the different toys and ride-ons and see which ones interest her. She was brimming with excitement at first. She literally ran towards the store and was all over the place. However, after a few minutes, she quickly returned to look for me. Her mood suddenly changed. She hugged me, asked to be carried and wouldn't let go. When we looked around, we realized that she had seen several scary mannequins at the middle of the store donning adult Halloween costumes. Indeed, they looked very terrifying especially for a toddler like Zoe. In addition to this, the store has already been filled with lots of Halloween decorations such as bats, cobwebs, lighted pumpkins, ugly masks, photos of ghosts - the works! They are also selling various types of Costume for kids and toddlers. They are also offering sexy Halloween costumes for mommies who are also interested to buy.

And so since the baby was scared, her Daddy veered her around the store where there were other types of goods. I then took the opportunity to look around for Halloween stuff. Honestly, I couldn't decide what type of costume will be good for Zoe's trick or treat party this year. I have already seen many interesting things online and looking around the store will only make me all the more confused. Of course, it's because I want Zoe to wear a very nice costume that could win her best costume! What mother does not want that, right?

So before we get ready for early Christmas shopping, we should be getting ready first with this year's Trick or Treat party come November! Happy shopping Mommies!

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