Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Thank you so much to all my wonderful friends and family who remembered me on my special day (May 13).

I had a super fun time on my birthday, being able to spend it with my Teng and Zoe. Just some years back, I would have been happier spending my birthday alone (i.e. one whole day going around Rustans or somewhere nice with P30,000 shopping money on hand, hehe, or a day of 'beautification': hair treatments, pedicure, manicure, facial, spa). But I guess it's really different when you become a wife and mother. Birthdays are not anymore all about me - it's about me and the people I care about :-) and it's mostly about being very thankful to God for another year of life and blessings.

I hope to post some pictures of our family birthday adventure in Subic very soon. :-)

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