Sunday, October 19, 2008

Control, Control

Well, what do you know, we're almost halfway through the weekend and we have somehow managed to go to the mall but not spend anything on credit. I purposely left my credit card at home so that when we had to go and do our weekly grocery, our cash in hand will be enough to cover for our total grocery bill. At first, it was really hard because we weren't used to being so conscious of what we picked up along the aisles. We both know that what we needed to buy should only be the essentials so we tried to check each other first if we really "needed" to buy that extra kilo of beef or that box of biscuits. Sometimes, it felt painful, even somewhat heroic, to get over our wants and just stick to our grocery list and weekly menu. Good thing, we supported each other very well.

My husband and I both know that we have used our credit cards too much in the past already and it's now high time to pay for all our debts. We plan to get a non profit debt consolidation loan soon. This is on top of our combined 13th month pay and Christmas bonus that is due this mid-November. I read somewhere that using your credit card and then not paying for the whole amount due the following month is a simple way of saying that you are living beyond your means. If you do not clear your debt right away, you pay a huge amount of interest that should have been better put on your savings account. I would have to raise my hand there and say "guilty as charged" when it comes to credit card debts. No excuses, really. I really lacked control in the past. But I am definitely trying to reform. My first step is really to avail of that debt consolidation and get that much needed rehabilitation from this addiction of mine. Well, good luck to me. I'm sure it will get tougher this coming holiday season.

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